Rdr2 This Will Continue at a Later Time
The Wisdom of the Elders is a Stranger Mission Strand (Side Questline) in Red Dead Redemption 2. This Walkthrough shows how to complete the Stranger Missions.
Quest Giver: Obediah Hinton
Region: West of Van Horn
Requirements: having finished Fleeting Joy (late Chapter 5)
Reward: $ 50
The Wisdom of the Elders Starting Location
Below the Train Tracks west of Van Horn, Arthur can find a mumbling man on the ground, who seems to need help.
He mostly repeats the name of his Village, which is located to the north of us – a good idea, to put him on the horse and get him back.
Another man, just a little less crazy, is happy to see his fellow villager and wants to take care of him from now.
The man you just helped will attack you without any warning, but can be knocked out by mashing .
Seems like there is some weird stuff going on in and around this village – time to check on them at a later time.
Part II
The next part can be played at night-time, at least one day after the previous part.
The village elder, Obediah Hinton, barely opens the door, mumbling something about some demons.
Arthur hears a woman screaming for help and hears some dogs barking.
There will be four small encounters with rabid dogs now – using Dead Eye is the best way to deal with them. Also, check the red dots on the minimap to see their positions.
There will be two dogs who attacked some pigs, three next to the bridge attacking a man, two on the bridge attacking his brother and, finally a total of four in the village, once you lead them back to the house.
Once the threat has been dealt with, a weird Shaman appears, who had warned the villagers about a dark curse before.
He shows us a Dreamcatcher-like Charm and tells us that destroying them can lift the curse.
Part III
The Charms can be found a bit to the south of the village, in trees next to the river.
There is a total of 13 to destroy – 6 north of the river, 2 within and 5 south of it.
Use your Eagle Eye +
to make them glow. Also, they will show themselves as red dots on the map from time to time, once close enough to them.
Part IV
If you have destroyed all Charms, head back to the village and talk to Obediah and the Shaman.
He tells us now that destroying the Charms set the dark spirits free and made things even worse.
Arthur is tired with this nonsense and knows something is up. He threatens him and the Shaman will take off.
Obediah tells us that the Shaman once told him not to go to the mines north of the village. Maybe we should look at what we can learn there.
Part V
Head to the mines marked on the map and enter them by removing a wooden plank blocking its entrance. Head straight ahead and you will hear some coughing noises.
Arthur sees that the water has been poisoned and that the water is the reason for the villagers acting crazy. He fills up a small bottle as proof and wants to chase after someone he just saw escaping. The tunnel we came in will now explode and we have to take a detour.
Walking through the caverns with the poisonos air will drain our health, so make sure to get out of there quickly. Once at the end, mount your horse and head back to the village to tell what we've learned.
The Shaman is there and wants the villagers to sign a contract. He didn't expect him to be literate and it is revealed that he just wants to trick the villagers on behalf of a Fuel Company to absolve them of any liability on the polluted water.
He denies it, but Arthur forces him on the ground and makes him drink the little bottle he filled up in the mines earlier. Now, struggling with poisoning and dying thereof, he admits what he has done.
The mission will end and you can pick up the $ 50 and the letter/contract from the table.
This concludes the "The Wisdom of the Elders" Stranger Mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2). For all other Stranger Missions check out the full Red Dead Redemption 2 Stranger Missions Walkthrough.
Source: https://www.powerpyx.com/red-dead-redemption-2-the-wisdom-of-the-elders-stranger-mission-walkthrough/
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