If Use Dk Hero Can Attack Again

This page is almost the hero Davion, the Dragon Knight. For other uses, see Davion (Disambiguation).

Dragon Knight

Dragon Knight icon.png

Strength attribute symbol.png

Agility attribute symbol.png

Intelligence attribute symbol.png

21 + iii.four

19 + ii

xviii + 1.7

Level 0 1 15 25 30
Health 200 620 1560 2480 2860
+0.25 +2.35 +7.11 +11.71 +thirteen.61
Mana 75 291 567 915 1047
+0 +0.9 +2.09 +3.54 +4.07
Armor 0 3.17 7.83 13.17 15.17
Damage Block sixteen (50%)
Magic Resistance 25%
Status Resistance 0%
Harm 32‒38 53‒59 100‒106 146‒152 165‒171
Attack Rate 0.59/s 0.seven/s 0.86/s 1.05/southward 1.12/s
Attack Range Melee 150 (600)
Assault Speed ▶️ 100 (i.7s BAT)
Attack Blitheness 0.v+0.v
Projectile Speed Instant
Movement Speed ▶️ 310
Turn Rate Takes 0.175s to turn 180°. 0.6
Collision Size 24
Vision Range (One thousand) 1800 •800
Legs 2
Gib Blazon Default
Ability Upgrades

Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.

Elderberry Dragon Form

Davion, the Dragon Knight, is a durable melee force hero with a relatively straightforward and yet versatile skill gear up. He has both an area-of-consequence nuke and a lengthy single-target stun, giving him first-class farming and ganking capabilities. Though he has no real escape ability, his Dragon Blood provides him a hefty amount of armor and regen, making him capable of withstanding stiff physical hits and recovering quickly. He is still very vulnerable in the early game, still, and needs to farm and stay live in order to be effective in afterwards stages. If he has enough levels and farm, Dragon Knight is very formidable in the late game due to his strong ultimate, Elder Dragon Class, which transforms him into a legendary dragon with a ranged attack, capable of eliminating multiple enemies at once.

Bio [ ]

Dragon Knight minimap icon.png Davion, the Dragon Knight

▶️ "The Dragon Slyrak sleeps inside this armor, and the knight within the Dragon waits. Beware y'all practise not wake them both."

After years on the trail of a legendary Eldwurm, the Knight Davion found himself facing a disappointing foe: the dreaded Slyrak had grown ancient and delicate, its wings tattered, its few remaining scales stricken with calibration-rot, its fangs ground to nubs, and its burn down-gouts no more than threatening than a pack of wet matchsticks.

Seeing no honor to be gained in dragon-murder, Knight Davion prepared to turn away and leave his onetime foe to die in peace. Merely a voice crept into his thoughts, and Slyrak gave a whispered plea that Davion might honor him with decease in gainsay. Davion agreed, and found himself rewarded beyond expectation for his act of mercy: As he sank his bract in Slyrak'due south chest, the dragon pierced Davion'southward throat with a talon. As their blood mingled, Slyrak sent his power out along the Blood Road, sending all its forcefulness and centuries of wisdom to the knight. The dragon'south death sealed their bond and Dragon Knight was built-in. The ancient power slumbers in the Dragon Knight Davion, waking when he calls information technology. Or perchance it is the Dragon that calls the Knight…

Abilities [ ]

Breathe Fire icon.png

Unleashes a breath of fire in front of Dragon Knight that burns enemies and reduces the damage their attacks deal.

Cast Animation: 0.2+0.47

Cast Range: 600

Starting Radius: 150

Travel Altitude: 750

Cease Radius: 250

Harm: fourscore/160/240/320

Attack Damage Reduction: 25% (Talent55%)

Reduction Duration: 11

Cooldown: 14/13/12/11

Mana: 90/100/110/120

Does not pierce spell immunity. Assault damage reduction persists if debuff was placed earlier spell amnesty and when not dispelled.
Can directly target spell immune units, launching the fire in their direction.


Debuff modifier_dragonknight_breathefire_reduction: Dispellable with any dispel.

Knight Davion's breath has become that of the mighty Eldwurm Slyrak, remembered for burning numerous other knights to a crisp.


  • Breathe Burn down travels at a speed of 1050.
  • With the travel altitude and end radius, Breathe Burn down can striking units up to 1000 range abroad.
    • The complete area is shaped like a cone.
  • Reduces striking targets' full attack harm, including set on harm bonuses.
  • Breathe Fire outset applies the damage, then the debuff.
  • Has a cast backswing of 0.53 seconds while in Elderberry Dragon Form.

Dragon Tail icon.png

Dragon Knight smites an enemy unit in melee range with his shield, stunning it while dealing minor impairment. When in Elder Dragon Form, the cast range increases to 400.

Cast Animation: 0+0.5

Bandage Range: 150

Harm: 70/100/130/160

Stun Duration: 2.25/ii.v/2.75/3 (Talent2.75/3/3.25/3.v)

Cooldown: xvi/xiv/12/10

Mana: 70/80/90/100

Can be disjointed. The projectile used during Elder Dragon Grade can be disjointed.


Debuff modifier_stunned: Dispellable with strong dispels.

Davion's combination of dragon talents and chivalry skills makes him a vicious opponent in melee combat.


  • In human form, Dragon Tail does non rely on a projectile and tin therefore non be disjointed.
  • Dragon Tail commencement applies the damage, so the debuff.
  • While in Elder Dragon Class, Dragon Tail has a cast range of 400 and uses a projectile, instead of beingness instant.
    • The projectile travels at a speed of 1600.
  • The expanse of effect Talent talent adds a 400 radius to this ability while in Elder Dragon Form. The ability yet must be centered over a unit.
    • Causes the launched projectile to apply its furnishings within the area, instead of merely to the targeted unit of measurement.
    • Can hit invisible units and units within the Fog of State of war.

Dragon Blood

Partially usable by illusions. Disabled by Break. E D

Dragon Blood icon.png

The life claret of the Dragon improves health regeneration and strengthens armor.

Wellness Regen Bonus: three/6/ix/12 (Talentxv/xviii/21/24)

Armor Bonus: 3/6/9/12 (Talent15/18/21/24)

Partially usable by illusions. Illusions do good from the health regeneration, but not from the armor.


Buff modifier_dragon_knight_dragon_blood: Undispellable. Persists expiry.

Slyrak's blood still courses through Davion'due south veins, giving him twice the vitality of an ordinary knight.


  • Can regenerate up to 180/360/540/720 (Talent 900/1080/1260/1440 ) health in one minute.

Fireball icon.png

Ignites a 450 AoE area for 10 seconds, dealing 80 harm per 2d that lingers for 2 seconds to enemies in it. Has reduced cast range when melee.

Bandage Blitheness: 0.2+0.53

Cast Range: 600

Radius: 450

Impairment per 2nd: eighty

Duration: 10

Aura Linger Duration: 2

Cooldown: 20

Mana: 100

Does not pierce spell immunity. Continues to deal damage while lingering out if spell immunity was acquired after receiving the debuff.


Buff modifier_dragon_knight_fireball: Undispellable. Persists decease.

Debuff modifier_dragon_knight_fireball_burn: Undispellable. Persists decease.

Ability Draft Notes

Power Draft Notes:

Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.


  • Requires Aghanim's Shard icon.png Aghanim'southward Shard to exist unlocked.
  • The damage is provided past an aureola, its debuff lingers for 2 seconds.
  • Deals 40 damage in 0.5-2d intervals, immediately upon receiving the debuff, resulting in 25 impairment instances.
    • Tin can deal up to 1000 damage to a single unit (before reductions).
  • Multiple instances of Fireball'due south debuff practice not stack.
  • While in Elder Dragon Form, Fireball has a bandage range of 1400.

Elder Dragon Form icon.png

Dragon Knight takes the class of i of three powerful elder dragons, increasing his speed, and Dragon Tail's range, while granting him new powers.
LEVEL 1 Green Dragon - Corrosive Breath: attacks deal 20 poison damage per second for 5 seconds. Works on structures.
LEVEL two Cerise Dragon - Splash Attack: attacks damage all enemy units in a 350 radius for 0%/75%/75%/100%, with Corrosive Breath added to the targets.
LEVEL 3 Blue Dragon - Frost Breath: slows motility speed by 40% and attack speed by 40 of enemy units in Splash Attack range for 3 seconds, with Corrosive Breath added to the targets.

Cast Animation: 0+0.v

Attack Range Bonus: 350 (Talent525)

Move Speed Bonus: 25

Magic Resistance Bonus: 0%/0%/0% (With Aghanim's Scepter/25%)

Dragon Tail Bandage Range Bonus: 250

Dragon Class Elapsing: sixty

Corrosive Breath Damage per 2d: twenty/20/20 (With Aghanim's Scepter/thirty)

Corrosive Jiff Debuff Elapsing: 5

Splash Attack Radius: 350

Splash Attack Impairment: 0%/75%/75% (With Aghanim's Scepter/100%)

Frost Breath Radius: 300

Frost Breath Movement Speed Slow: 0%/0%/xl% (With Aghanim's Scepter/threescore%)

Frost Breath Assault Speed Slow: 0/0/twoscore (With Aghanim's Scepter/60)

Frost Jiff Debuff Duration: iii

TalentDragon Tail Radius: 400

With Aghanim's ShardFireball Cast Range Bonus: 800

Cooldown: 115/110/105 (With Aghanim's Scepter/100)

Mana: fifty

Aghanim's Scepter upgrade: Increases the level of Dragon Knight's ultimate. Adds a 4th level, Black Dragon. Black Dragon has bonus Corrosive Damage, Splash Damage and Tiresome amount, 25% increased Magic Resistance and free pathing.

Partially pierces spell immunity. Poisonous substance and frost breath do not pierce spell immunity. Splash pierces spell immunity.
Corrosive Breath attempts to damage spell immune enemies when placed before spell immunity and when not dispelled.

Can be used by illusions. Illusions get their own Elder Dragon Grade buff lasting its regular duration.


Buff modifier_dragon_knight_dragon_form: Dispellable with decease only.

Buff modifier_dragon_knight_corrosive_breath: Dispellable with death merely.

Buff modifier_dragon_knight_splash_attack: Dispellable with death merely.

Buff modifier_dragon_knight_frost_breath: Dispellable with death only.

Debuff modifier_dragon_knight_corrosive_breath_dot: Dispellable with any dispel.

Debuff modifier_dragon_knight_frost_breath_slow: Dispellable with whatever dispel.

The dormant dragon power springs forth from within Davion, combining the powers of a legendary knight with a legendary Eldwurm.


  • Level 1 transforms him into a Dark-green Dragon, level ii into a Red Dragon, and level 3 into a Blue Dragon (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. and level iv into a Black Dragon).
  • Elder Dragon Form is fully canceled on death. The Dragon Form buff is hidden, but the three attack modifier buffs are displayed.
  • Successive casts of Elder Dragon Form refresh the elapsing and update the form, adapting to the current level of the ability.
  • While in Elderberry Dragon Class, Dragon Knight gains the following attack modifiers through undispellable buffs:
  • Corrosive Breath: (Available for Elder Dragon Class Level ane and above)
    • Places a Corrosive Breath debuff, which deals magical impairment in i-second intervals, starting 1 second later on the debuff is applied, resulting in v instances.
    • When on level 2 or higher, the debuff is applied to all enemies within the splash radius.
    • Can deal up to 100 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 150 ) damage to a unit (before reductions).
    • Does not work against wards, works against centrolineal units.
    • Corrosive Breath fully affects buildings, significant it can also be used to deny allied towers. Even so, buildings are merely debuffed when directly attacked.
    • Successive hits do not stack, but refresh the duration.
    • The attacks first apply the debuff, then their own attack damage. Nevertheless, on secondary targets, it commencement applies the splash harm, then the debuff.
    • When an set on misses or is disjointed, the debuff is not practical inside the radius.
  • Splash Set on: (Available for Elder Dragon Form Level 2 and above)
    • When an assault misses or is disjointed, no splash damage is dealt.
    • Splash harm cannot be amplified with outgoing spell impairment distension and cannot spell lifesteal.
      • Can exist amplified by incoming spell harm amplification.
    • The splash damage is physical harm, and is affected by Damage Block.
    • Does not work against wards or buildings.
  • Frost Jiff: (Bachelor for Elder Dragon Form Level 3 and above)
    • Does non work confronting wards, buildings, or allied units.
    • Successive hits do not stack, but refresh the duration.
    • The attacks first use the debuff, then their ain attack damage. The splash impairment is applied afterwards the debuff as well.
      • When an attack misses or is disjointed, the slow is non applied within the radius.
  • With Aghanim's Scepter icon.png Aghanim'due south Scepter, the level of Elderberry Dragon Form increases past ane .
    • Elder Dragon Form has 4 levels by default, but the 4th level can only be reached with Aghanim'due south Scepter.
    • The Black Dragon form has unobstructed motility, assuasive him to path over impassable terrain, units, buildings, and trees.
    • Yet, it does not have phased movement meaning other units cannot laissez passer through it.
    • The black dragon form is 30% larger than the other forms.
    • Losing Aghanim'southward Scepter while in Elder Dragon Form immediately removes the bonus poison impairment and irksome amount, but maintains the increased splash damage, magic resistance, and free pathing for the remainder of the Elder Dragon Form duration.

Talents [ ]

Recent Changes [ ]

Recommended Items [ ]

Starting items:

Early game:

Mid game:

Late game:

  • Assault Cuirass icon.png Assault Cuirass gives assault speed and armor to you and surrounding allies. It also places a debuff on enemies, making them easier to impale. Information technology is a good item if you have many attackers in your squad.

Situational items:

  • Heaven's Halberd icon.png Heaven's Halberd gives forcefulness, status resistance and evasion that stacks nicely with Dragon Knight's large HP pool and high armor, and the disarm effectively prevents the enemy from dealing damage.
  • Sange and Yasha icon.png Sange and Yasha provides y'all with a pocket-sized chunk of attributes, equally well as increasing his movement speed and set on speed, boosts health regeneration and lifesteal, and gives condition resistance.
  • Manta Style icon.png Manta Style illusions become full benefits of the bonuses of Elderberry Dragon Form and the passive Dragon Blood. It provides you with valuable set on speed and movement speed.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon.png Aghanim'due south Scepter gives another level to your ultimate which allows you lot to become a black dragon. It also provides wellness, mana, and some decent stats. Upgrade to Aghanim's Blessing icon.png Aghanim's Blessing afterwards on in order to gratuitous upwards an item slot.
  • Aghanim's Shard icon.png Aghanim'southward Shard unlocks the "Fireball" power; great for pushing and also provides more AoE harm in squad fights .
  • Satanic icon.png Satanic grants a sizeable strength boost, likewise equally damage and lifesteal, significantly increasing Dragon Knight's survivability.
  • Heart of Tarrasque icon.png Heart of Tarrasque provides you lot with a massive HP boost and a passive ability to proceeds wellness more rapidly, also adds strength which increases his assail harm and synergizes well with Dragon Blood.
  • Daedalus icon.png Daedalus makes you bargain more than damage, and gives you the chance to make critical hits.
  • Eye of Skadi icon.png Heart of Skadi provides a slow that pierces spell amnesty, similar the Frost Breath from your level iii Dragon Form. Cold Set on combined with Frost Breath reduces an enemy's harm output significantly and makes it hard for enemy heroes to disengage from a fight in one case they are attacked by Dragon Knight. It besides provides a huge boost to health (increases overall survivability), intelligence (helps with your mana consumption), and agility (gives more attack speed and armor).
  • Moon Shard icon.png Moon Shard can be considered as a terminal luxury when your squad is far ahead.
  • Overwhelming Blink icon.png Overwhelming Blink a natural upgrade for Blink Dagger icon.png Blink Dagger which gives a skillful amount of strength also as slowing both set on and movement speed of enemies when you blink most them.
  • Arcane Blink icon.png Arcane Blink can be used to reduce Elderberry Dragon Form's cooldown.
  • Radiance (Active) icon.png Radiance Essentially increases DPS in team fights due to the AoE DoT and tin as well heave farming potential.

Gameplay [ ]

As Sir Davion slew Slyrak in arranged combat, the Eldwurm's blood mingled with his own, sealing their essences together. He was no longer a dragon-slayer, but a Dragon Knight. The infusion of Dragon Blood acquired his wounds to heal with inhuman speed, and granted him great new powers. While nowhere as grand equally Slyrak, he found himself with the power to Breathe Fire , immolating packs of foes at one time. But when Davion took on his Elderberry Dragon Course , he became the Eldwurm itself, and upon his awestruck enemies he rained projectiles of acid, fire, and ice.
Roles: Carry Carry Pusher Pusher Durable Durable Disabler Disabler Initiator Initiator Nuker Nuker
Complexity: ★☆☆

Audio [ ]

History [ ]

Equipment [ ]

Trivia [ ]

  • In DotA, Dragon Knight's fun name was Trogdor, a grapheme that commencement appeared in episode 58 of the "Strong Bad e-mail" testify on the website HomestarRunner.com.
    • He too has an alternating proper name when he transforms with his ultimate in DotA, in which he is named "Arc Honist".
  • In The Lab, a VR game by Valve, there are some Bendie soldiers who wield Dragon Knight'south sword in the minigame Longshot, along with other Dota 2 weapons like Axe's war axe, Huskar's spear and Stout Shield.
  • One of Davion's voice line during his Elderberry Dragon Form ▶️ "Fly-by-night" may be a reference to the unnamed dragon in the Old English poem Beowulf, who waited for night to assail a settlement, hence he was known equally an "one-time night-ravager". Said dragon was an inspiration for another dragon named Smaug from The Hobbit series past J.R.R. Tolkien. Like Beowulf's dragon, Smaug attacked Laketown at night.

Gallery [ ]


Source: https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Knight

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